My CV for those with nothing better to do

Theodore W. Marcy, MD MPH

Prepared August 2011

Personal Information
Name:      Theodore Wendell Marcy, MD MPH
Home Address:        227 Old Hollow Road, North Ferrisburgh, VT 05473
Home Telephone:       (802) 425 4608

            Office Address:                         Pulmonary & Critical Care Division
                                    89 Beaumont Ave, Given Bldg, Burlington, VT  05405
Office Telephone:       (802) 656 8928
FAX:            (802) 656 8926
Date of Birth            July 21, 1954  Chicago, IL
Citizenship            United States Citizen

1972-76       B.A. with honors in Human Biology.  Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
1976-80      M.D. Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
1980-83            Medical Residency. Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, N.Y.
1983-87            Pulmonary Fellowship. Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2000-01            Masters of Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA

Professor of Medicine, University of Vermont College of Medicine 2005
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Vermont College of Medicine. 1993
Attending Physician, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Medicine, Fletcher Allen Health Care. 1993 – current
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota and Staff Physician in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, St Paul-Ramsey Medical Center and Ramsey Clinic.  1987 – 1993.

Service Assignments
Member, Committee on Human Research in the Behavioral Sciences 2004 – current
      Chair, Committee on Human Research in the Behavioral Sciences 2008 – current
Physician Leader, Pulmonary Ambulatory Center FAHC 1995 – 2011
Chair, Dept of Medicine Clinical Operations Efficiency Committee 2007 – 2011
Medical Director, Respiratory Care Services FAHC 1996 – 2000
Medical Director, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program FAHC 1994 – 2000
Member, Pulmonary Fellow Research Advisory group 2002 - 2011
Member, Ambulatory Care Center Medical Module planning group 2000 – 2005
Editorial Board for “Innovations”, Vermont Cancer Center’s newsletter 2000–2006
Member, Community Medical School advisory board, 2006 – 2010

Honors, Awards, and Special Scientific Recognition
Pulmonary Teacher of the Year award (UVM/FAHC) 2011
American Lung Association / C Everett Koop Foundation “Unsung Hero” Award       2011
NCI Cancer Prevention Fellowship (2000-2002)
American Lung Association Research Training Fellowship (1985-87)
            Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society (1980)
Nahum Prize for excellence in a medical thesis (1980)           

Participation in Organizations and Memberships in Societies
Vermont Tobacco Evaluation and Review Board Member 2004 to 2011;
                  Board Chair (named by Governor Douglas) May 2006 to 2008;
                  Evaluation Committee 2002 – Present (Chair, 2004 to 2006, 2008 to current)
American Lung Association
      Board Member, ALA of Minnesota 1988-93
      Board Member, ALA of Vermont  1995 – 2007
      Board Member, ALA of New England 2007 - current
      Chair of board, ALA of Vermont  1999 – 2001, and 2005 - 2007
Co-chair, $1 million campaign for ALA Asthma Clinical Research Center at UVM and FAHC 1999 – 2001
American Thoracic Society 
      President, Vermont/New Hampshire Thoracic Society 1997 – 1999
Coalition for a Tobacco Free Vermont
      Chair, Professional Education Committee 1999 – 2000
Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians 
      Governor for Vermont and New Hampshire 1997 – 2001
Vermont Department of Health Healthy Vermonters 2010 Tobacco Priority Area Work Group 1999
Vermont Department of Health’s Scientific Advisory Panel on Tobacco Control 2000- 2010 
Workgroup member for national interagency effort to develop "A National Blueprint For Disseminating And Implementing Evidence-Based Clinical And Community Strategies To Promote Tobacco-Use Cessation" 2001-2002
Vermont Department of Health Physician Advisory Group for Bioterrorism preparation 2002-2003

Research Funding
Past Research Funding
Agency      Patient Oriented Research Office, University of Vermont
Duration      1/98 – 1/99
Title      Survey of Current Smokers Admitted to a General Medical Ward
Agency:      Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
Duration:      1/99 – 12/99
Title:            Smoking Cessation Telephone Resource Effect on Physician Adherence to AHCPR Guidelines. Co-Principal Investigator
Amount:      $ 50,000


Agency:       National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program
Duration:      9/00 – 9/02
Title:            Cancer Research Training Award
Support:      Full salary stipend; MPH tuition and fees

Agency:      National Cancer Institute Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program
Duration:      1/02 – 9/02
Title:            Development of a Clinical Decision Support System to Improve Implementation of Guidelines for Tobacco Use and Dependence Treatment: Defining the Needs and the Practice Environment

Agency:            Vermont Cancer Center and the Lake Champlain Cancer Research Organization
Duration:            9/02 – 12/03
Title:            Improving Clinician Adherence To Tobacco Use Cessation Treatment: Surveys Of Health Care Professionals And Administrators To Guide Development of a Computerized Clinical Decision Support System  

Agency:            National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Career Development Award (1 K07 CA102585-01)

Duration:      9/03 – 8/06

Title:      Physician Adherence to Tobacco Use Treatment Guidelines

Agency:            National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute R03 (1 R03 CA111640-01)

Duration:            9/04 – 8/08

Title:                        Usability Testing of a CDSS for Tobacco Use Treatment

Agency:             National Institutes of Health / National Cancer Institute R21 CA134817-01
Duration:       09/15/2008 – 08/31/2010
Title:       Clinical Testing of a CDSS for Tobacco Use Treatment

Other Job-Related Qualifications
Board Certification
            Diplomat, American Board of Internal Medicine, 1983
            Pulmonary Disease, 1986
      Critical Care Medicine, 1989 – 99
            Minnesota            # 030821 0            ( 8/1/92)                Inactive
            Connecticut            # 27143            ( 4/9/86)            Inactive
            New York State            # 148840 1             (12/31/82)            Inactive
            Vermont State                  # 42-0008686  (2/9/93)           

            Articles in Refereed Journals
(1)  Kaminsky D, Marcy T, Dorwaldt A, Pinckney R, Desarno M, Solomon L, Hughes J.  Motivating Smokers in the Hospital Pulmonary Function Lab to Quit Smoking by Use of the Lung Age Concept.  Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2011 in press

(2)  Hughes JR, Suiter C, Marcy T. Use and outcomes of a state-funded in-person counselling program. Tob Control 2010 Jun;19(3):260

(3)  Brown LK, Marcy TW, Kissner D, and Douglas I. Approaches to Achieving Universal Health Care in the United States:  Where Should the American Thoracic Society Stand?  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 180(10):918-9

(4)  Hughes JR, Marcy TW, Naud S. Interest in Treatments to Stop Smoking.  Journal of Substance Abuse 2009; 36: 18–24

(5)  Marcy TW, Kaplan B, Connolly S, Michel G, Shiffman RN, Flynn BS. Developing a Decision Support System for Tobacco Use Counseling Using Primary Care Physicians. Informatics in Primary Care 2008; 16 (2):101-109

(6)  Riesenfeld EP, Marcy TW, Reinier K, Mongeon JA, Trumbo CW, Wemple BE, Kaminsky DA.  Radon awareness and mitigation in Vermont: a public health survey. Health Phys 2007; 92 (5); 425-431

(7)  Kaminsky DA, Marcy TW, Bachand M, Irvin CG. Knowledge and use of office spirometry for the detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by primary care physicians. Respiratory Care 2005; 50(12): 1639-48

(8)  Marcy TW, Skelly J, Shiffman RN, Flynn BS:  Attitudes and opinions of physicians and clinic managers towards clinical decision support systems to improve adherence to the tobacco use treatment guidelines.  Preventive Medicine 2005; 41 (2): 479-487

(10)    Kaminsky DA, Marcy TW.  COPD and smoking cessation motivation (Letter).  Chest 2004; 125(5):1958-9

(11)    Marcy TW, Thabault P, Olson J, Tooze JA, Liberty B, Nolan S. “Smoking Status Identification: Two Managed Care Organizations’ Experience with a Pilot Project to Implement Identification Systems in Independent Practice Associations” The American Journal of Managed Care 2003; 9:672-676
(12)    Marcy TW, Stefanek M, Thompson KM: Genetic testing for lung cancer: if physicians can do it, should they? Journal of General Internal Medicine 2002; 17:946-951

(13)    Marcy TW, Solomon LJ, Dana GS, Skelly JM, Secker-Walker R. A Smoking Cessation Telephone Resource: Feasibility and Preliminary Evidence on the Effect on Health Care Provider Adherence to Smoking Cessation Guidelines. Tobacco Control 2002; 11(1):84
(14)    Burke WC, Nahum A, Ravenscraft SA, Nakos G, Adams AB, Marcy TW, Marini JJ. Modes of tracheal gas insufflation: comparison of continuous and phase specific gas injection in normal dogs. Am Rev Respir Dis  1993; 148(3):562-8

(15)    Ravenscraft SA, Burke WC, Nahum A, Adams AB, Nakos G, Marcy TW, Marini JJ.  Tracheal gas insufflation augments CO2 clearance during mechanical ventilation.  Am Rev Respir Dis 1993; 148(2):345-51

(16)    Marcy TW. Barotrauma: Detection, recognition, and management. Chest  1993; 104(2):578-584

(17)    Adams AB, Whitman J, Marcy TW. Surveys of Long-term Ventilatory Support in Minnesota: 1986 and 1992. Chest 1993; 103(5):1463-9

(18)    Burke WC, Crooke PS, Marcy TW, Adams AB, Marini JJ: Investigation of pressure control ventilation using a mathematical model and a mechanical analog of the respiratory system. J Appl Physiol  1993; 74(2):922-33

(19)    Nahum A, Ravenscraft SA, Nakos G, Burke WC, Adams AB, Marcy TW, Marini JJ. Tracheal gas insufflation during pressure control ventilation: effect of catheter position, diameter, and flow rate. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 146:1411-8

(20)    Nahum A, Burke WC, Ravenscraft SA, Marcy TW, Adams AB, Crooke PS, Marini JJ. Lung mechanics and gas exchange during pressure control ventilation in dogs: Augmentation of CO2 elimination by an intratracheal catheter. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992;146 (4):965-973

(21)    Rankin JA, Marcy TW, Rochester CL, Sussman J, Smith S, Buckley P, Lee D: Human airway macrophages: A technique for their retrieval and a descriptive comparison with alveolar macrophages. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 145 (4):928-933

(22)    Marcy TW, Marini JJ. Inverse ratio ventilation: Rationale and implementation. Chest  1991; 100 (2):494-504.

(23)    Hertz MI, Woodward ME, Gross CR, Swart M, Marcy TW and Bitterman PB.  Bronchoalveolar lavage in the critically ill, mechanically ventilated patient. Crit Care Med 1991; 19(12):1526-32.

(24)    Marcy TW and Reynolds HY.  Pulmonary consequences of congenital and acquired primary immunodeficiency states.  Clin in Chest Med 1989; 10(4):503-519.

(25)    Marcy TW.  Eosinophilia in patients presenting with pulmonary infiltrates and fever.  Seminars in Respiratory Infections 1988; 3(3):247-257.

(26)    Merrill W, Marcy TW, Reynolds HY. Bronchoalveolar lavage: clinical role and quantitative assessment. Respiration 1988; 54 Suppl 1:3-8

(27)    Marcy TW, Merrill WW, Rankin JA, Reynolds HY.  Limitations of using urea to quantify the epithelial lining fluid recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage.  Am Rev Respir Dis 1987; 135:1276-1280.

(28)    Marcy TW and Loke JSO.  Diaphragm pacing for ventilatory insufficiency.  J Intensive Care Med 1987; 2:345.

(29)    Marcy TW and Reynolds HY.  Pulmonary Histiocytosis X.  Lung 1985; 163:129-50.

(30)    Baran DT and Marcy TW.  Evidence for a defect in vitamin D metabolism in a patient with incomplete Fanconi Syndrome.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1984; 59:998-1001.

Edited Books

(1)         Davis G, Marcy T, Seward E, editors. Medical Management of Pulmonary Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1999.

Book Chapters, Symposium Proceedings

(1)  Marcy TW.  Mechanical Ventilation.  In Kaminsky D (ed) The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System. Elsevier Inc, Philadelphia 2011

(2)  Marcy TW.  Pulmonary Edema.  In Kaminsky D (ed) The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System. Elsevier Inc, Philadelphia 2011

(3)  Martino J, Marcy T.  Discontinuation of Mechanical Ventilation. In Parsons PE, and Wiener-Kronish JP, eds., Critical Care Secrets, 5th Ed.  In press

(4)  Marcy TW “Smoking Cessation” for BMJ Point of Care online ( website).

(5)  Shiffman RN, Michel G, Essaihi A, Marcy TW: Using a guideline centered approach for the design of a clinical decision support system to promote smoking cessation. In: Kaiser K, Miksch S, Tu S, eds. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols. Washington, DC, IOS Press, 152-156.
(6)  Marcy TW.  Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation. In Parsons PE, and Wiener-Kronish JP, eds., Critical Care Secrets, 3rd Ed.  Philadelphia, Hanley and Belfus, Inc. 2002, p 44-48

(7)  Davis G, Marcy T. The Respiratory System: History. In: Davis G, Marcy T, Seward E, editors. Medical Management of Pulmonary Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1999. p. 86-92.

(8)  Davis G, Marcy T. Physical Examination of the Respiratory System and Thorax. In: Davis G, Marcy T, Seward E, editors. Medical Management of Pulmonary Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1999. p. 93-109.

(9)  Marcy T, Davis G. Anatomy of the Respiratory System. In: Davis G, Marcy T, Seward E, editors. Medical Management of Pulmonary Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1999. p. 1-13.

(10)    Marcy T. Principles of Mechanical Ventilation. In: Davis G, Marcy T, Seward E, editors. Medical Management of Pulmonary Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1999. p. 413-27.

(11)    Marcy TW. Full Ventilatory Support. In: Marini JJ and Slutsky AS, Eds. Physiologic Basis of Ventilatory Support. Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1999; p 783-816

(12)    Marcy TW. Inverse Ratio Ventilation. In  Tobin, M (Ed), Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York 1994; pp 319-332
(13)    Marcy TW, Marini JJ. Respiratory distress in the ventilated patient. Clinics in Chest Medicine  1994; 15(1):55-74

(14)    Ingbar DH and Marcy TW. Respiratory Therapy and Monitoring. In  Stein's Internal Medicine, 4th Edition  Mosby-Year Book, St Louis 1994; pp 165-60

(15)    Marcy TW and Marini JJ. Modes of Mechanical Ventilation. In  Simmons DH and Tierney DF (Eds), Current Pulmonology Volume 13, Mosby Year Book, Chicago 1992

(16)    Marcy TW and Marini JJ.  Controlled mechanical ventilation and assist/control ventilation.  In  Perel A and Stock MC (Eds), Handbook of Mechanical Ventilatory Support  Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 1992

(17)    Marcy TW and Matthay RA.  Stable Asthma.  In Kacmarek RM and Stoller JK (Eds), Current Respiratory Care, B.C. Decker, Inc., Philadelphia, 1988; pp 273-278.

(18)    Marcy TW and Merrill WW.  Cigarette smoking and respiratory tract infection.  In Niederman MS (Ed).  Respiratory Infections.  Clinics in Chest Medicine, Vol 8(3), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1987.

(19)    Marcy TW and Reynolds HY.  Lung Host Defenses.  In Matthay RA, Matthay MA, Wiedemann HP (eds), Annual Review of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia, 1987.

National and State Presentations (2005-11)

Sept 7, 2005
Helping Physicians to Help People to Quit Smoking “ Invited speaker at the 4th Annual NCI Cancer Prevention Fellowship Symposium "From Discovery to Delivery: Closing the Gap,"  Bethesda, Md
Oct 14, 2005
“The Role of Health Care Professionals in Tobacco Cessation”  Vermont New Hampshire Respiratory Care Society Conference, New Hampshire
Feb 26-28, 2006
American Society of Preventive Oncology Annual Meeting, “Methods Used to Develop a Decision Support System for Tobacco Use Counseling” Bethesda, MD
July 10-12, 2006
“Design And Testing Of A Tobacco Use Counseling Decision Support” Translating Research into Practice and Policy, Washington DC
February 21, 2007
Iterative Design and Testing of a Tobacco Use Counseling Decision Support System, Addressing Tobacco in Health Care Forum at Society for Research in Nicotine and Tobacco, San Antonio, TX
April 29, 2007
“The Role of Health Care Professionals in Smoking Cessation”, National Association for Continuing Education Primary Care CME Conference Series, Indianapolis, IN,
June 6, 2007
“COPD: Update on Concepts and Management”, University of Vermont Family Medicine Summer CME course
October 26, 2007
Panel coordinator and moderator “Comparison of Maine, New York and Vermont Tobacco Control Programs”, National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Minneapolis, MN
Nov13, 2007
“Iterative Design and Testing of a Tobacco Use Counseling Decision Support System” Presentation for Panel on Work Flow at AMIA 2007 Annual Symposium, , Chicago, IL
Oct 29, 2010
“What Drives Change in Health Systems? One Provider’s Perspective.” Panel Presentation at the Multi-State Collaborative for Health Systems Change 2010 Conference, Atlanta, GA