Evolving Mission Statement

The following is my evolving mission statement with roles and goals.  I anticipate that this will change somewhat with time, experience and reflection.

Current date: Oct 5, 2011

Mission Statement
I will strive to improve my world using my knowledge, experience, abilities, and passion. In my efforts to accomplish this, I will be humble, respectful of others, fair, and empathic.  I will act with honesty and integrity.  I will remain thankful for life, the gifts that I have received, and the opportunities that I have had.  I will have reverence for God and creation.

Roles and Goals
1 Personal:  Continually learning, keeping physically fit, and mentally open to new ideas

2 Husband: “Love is a verb” – I will continue to work at my marriage, which is a foundation to my life and my wife’s

3 Father:  Unconditional love of my children, with support for their development as their own persons

4 Member of the community: A contributing member of my community

5 University professor and physician: A contributing member of this community, in ways already established (chair of IRB) and in ways yet to be discerned.


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