Thursday, October 20, 2011

An Evolving Portfolio

The plan for my reinvention was to develop a portfolio of activities in which I could contribute time and expertise, or in which I could learn and grow personally.  The past couple of weeks following my NOLS/WMI experience have given an early (and incomplete) illustration of what this may eventually look like.  Here is what I have been up to (not, thankfully, minute by minute)

My work in the IRB (Chair of the Committee on Human Research in the Behavioral Science) has been predictably interesting and varied. This week included our monthly committee meeting as well as several expedited protocol reviews.  The IRB is taking more time than I initially thought likely, but I can now devote more time and thought to my reviews than previously.  Perhaps I am deluding myself, but I like to think that I am not acting as a barrier to, but rather as a facilitator of the protocols that I review.  My recommendations need to address the human subject concerns, but I try to also make suggestions on how to do this and still accomplish the work efficiently.  In certain circumstances, we have been able to remove obstacles (deleting HIPAA authorizations, or suggesting short form consents).  Next week, I begin meeting with individual researchers at their request to discuss general IRB issues, something that I had envisioned once I had more time.  Should be fun and interesting.  I’ll get to practice some listening skills.

Though I am no longer a board member of the Vermont Tobacco Evaluation Review Board, I still chair its evaluation subcommittee.  This past Friday we had an interesting meeting for which (at least on this occasion) I was well prepared.  We are working on analyzing the 2010 VT adult tobacco survey, preparing an RFP for the next independent evaluator contract, and making some decisions on denominator issues for outcome evaluations for the cessation services.  All of this makes use of my MPH training and keeps me connected with the tobacco control community. 

That same Friday, I drove to Portsmouth NH to attend the American Lung Association of New England board meeting (I am a board representative from Vermont).  This charter is exceptionally well staffed and run, and the people on the board are quite an interesting group, and the discussions significant: merger with New York, transforming the data tracking software for volunteers.

In between, I am trying to learn French using Rosetta Stone for our trip next June to the Dordogne to canoe the rivers and see cave paintings, reading (and listening) to some interesting books, and doing more of the cooking and cleaning. Even did a stint answering phones for our public radio station pledge drive.  And yes, I am having fun as well, taking a high school friend sailing and taking other opportunities to be on our boat. Alas, the boat was put up for the winter this past weekend.

Despite this assortment of activity, I am early in the discovery phase of my reinvention.  And this is now on hold as we visit Jordan and Ariel at Stanford (the excuse is my 35th reunion).   When I get back I need to explore how I take my WMI training further, research websites (eg, for other ways to give my time, AND (more prosaic) clean my desk.

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